eReaders vs Physical Books

June 20, 2021

eReaders vs Physical Books: The Battle for Your Heart

If you are an avid book lover, you have probably found yourself wondering: what is better - eReaders or physical books? Although we cannot decide for you, we can provide an unbiased comparison of both options, so you can make an informed decision.


When it comes to prices, eReaders usually cost more upfront, but the books are cheaper. For example, the Kindle Paperwhite costs $129.99, whereas you can find paperback books for under $10. However, e-books are often more affordable than their physical counterparts, with prices ranging from free to up to $14.99. So, if you read a lot of books, an eReader may be a more cost-effective option.


eReaders are more convenient in many ways. First, you can store thousands of books in one device, which is perfect for traveling or commuting. Additionally, eReaders are usually lighter and smaller than physical books, making them easier to carry. Finally, buying an eBook is a quick and straightforward process - all you need is an internet connection, and you can download your book in seconds.

However, physical books offer a unique reading experience that eReaders cannot replicate. The touch and smell of the paper, the weight of the book in your hands, and the ability to flip through the pages offer a sensory experience that is hard to beat.

Eye Strain

According to The Vision Council, 59% of adults report experiencing symptoms of digital eye strain. That being said, eReaders come with features that reduce eye strain, such as adjustable lighting and font sizes. While there is little evidence that reading e-books causes more eye strain than reading print books, it is essential to take a break and rest your eyes frequently, regardless of the medium you choose.

Environmental Impact

The impact of eReaders versus physical books on the environment is a hotly debated topic. While eReaders are often touted as eco-friendly due to their lack of paper usage, they are not without their environmental issues. The production, shipping, and disposal of eReaders require energy and produce waste. Additionally, eReaders are not particularly sturdy and may require repairs or replacement more frequently than physical books.

On the other hand, physical books require paper, ink, and shipping, all of which contribute to their environmental impact. However, books can be recycled, donated, or resold, reducing their overall impact.


Ultimately, whether you prefer eReaders or physical books comes down to personal preference. Both have their advantages and drawbacks, so it is essential to consider what matters most to you. If you enjoy the sensory experience of a physical book and prefer not to have another device to charge and maintain, then traditional books are probably for you. However, if you prioritize cost and convenience, and prefer the portability and flexibility of an eReader, then e-books may be the way to go.


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